About Us

Welcome to the New Ireland Vision website. It is the initiative of people from various traditions in Ireland, who wish to see discussion about how we can build a more accountable democracy on this island.

We think all the people of these islands and beyond should enjoy the benefits of a more direct democracy, working in partnership. This should be achieved peacefully, especially in light of the empathetic space created by the Good Friday/Belfast Agreement of 1998.

Here you will get online access to some publications written by Dr. John Robb. While practicing as a surgeon at Belfast during the troubles, John experienced the tragedy of conflict, having treated some of its victims. This reinforced for him a desire to achieve political progress through the redemptive politics of reconciliation.

John went on to help found the New Ireland Movement in Lombard’s Café in 1972 and then the New Ireland Group. He participated in the Irish Senate from1982 to 1989.

Dr. John Robb’s writings are a very valuable contribution toward building reconciliation. He presents to us a New Vision for Ireland to be achieved through confidence building, consensus and peace. We hope you find this website informative.

Francis Gallagher
New Ireland Vision